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Dr  Jane Courtney

Dr Jane Courtney BE, MEngSc, MIEI, MIEEE, PhD is a lecturer and researcher in the School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering in TU Dublin. She has expertise and over 20-years’ experience in Computer Vision, Machine Vision, Image Processing, Image Analysis, Biomedical Engineering and Power Systems. Within TU Dublin, she is involved in several research groups, including the People-Oriented Technology group (tPOT), the Biomedical Research Group (BRG) and the Electrical Power Research Centre (EPRC) and is part of both ADVANCE and ML-Labs Centres for Research Training. She was Chair of the Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference 2019, a member of several programme committees and reviewer for several journals. Outside academia, she is a consultant trainer in Advanced Computer Vision and Team Leader in Electricity Training Centre projects in the developing world. She has been with TU Dublin (formerly DIT) since 2004.