Image Processing Projects
Project Guidelines
- The project element of this module is worth 30 % of the overall module mark.
- Projects will be run in groups of a maximum of 3 students.
- The projects will require research into an area of computer vision and implementation of an algorithm design in Python with OpenCV.
- Algorithms will be demonstrated on a specific image but should be designed in a general way so they will work on similar images.
- All designs should aim to be as automated as possible.
- The Python code (py-file) must be submitted through Brightspace by the due date.
- Code must be commented in detail, explaining both the code itself and the algorithm behind it.
- A project blog is to be maintained by each student individually and will be assessed as part of the project.
- The projects will be presented by each group to the class at the end of the module.
- Projects will be assessed by you, your peers and your lecturer.
Project Marking
The marks for the project will breakdown as follows:
- Research: 25 %
- Design: 25 %
- Presentation: 25 %
- Management: 25 %
Plagiarised work will receive a zero mark.
Project Ideas
Here's a list of project ideas you might like to consider. Click on any of the project images to download the related files.
Better still - choose your own! For this you will need a topic, a simple objective and sample image(s). Check in with Jack or Jane for help with this.