Interfacing an LPC1114 with a keypad and a display
This example prints the ASCII code of a key on a 7 segment display. This is a development of a previous project
(available here). In this project, the display is updated using the SysTick interrupt freeing
up the processor for other foreground tasks. Files and documentation
are available here.
The toolchain (compiler etc) can be obtained from This works
for many operating systems.
The software tool that downloads code to your device is called lpc21isp and can be found here
If you can't compile this tool (e.g. if you are on a Windows machine) then you might try Flashmagic
The makefile provided with this example creats a file called main.hex (Intel Hex format) which must be downloaded to the microcontroller. To do this you
must press the reset and mode buttons together. You then release the reset button first followed by the mode button. The chip
should now be in ISP mode allowing FlashMagic or lpc21isp to download the code to it. When download is complete press reset once more and the
program should run.
More information
This page will be further edited in time and a number of other examples will be added. If you need more information contact frank DOT duignan AT dit DOT ie. :)