Main C source file
This program is a modified version of blinky The full source and support files can be downloaded here. The main C source file includes a system initialization function that turns on clocks for GPIO C and Timer 1. Interrupts are enabled for Timer 1 and its auto reload register is set to 8000. This means that there will be a timer 1 update event every 1 millisecond (approx). At each interrupt, a counter (Count) is incremented. If Count exceeds 1000 the blue LED is toggled on the board. The net result is that the led should come on for 1 second and go off for 1 second.
#include "stm32f05xxx.h"
void ToggleBlueLED();
int Count = 0;
// Interrupt service routines are the same as normal
// subroutines (or C funtions) in Cortex-M micros.
// The following should happen at a rate of 1kHz.
// The following function is associated with the TIM1 interrupt
// via the interrupt vector table defined in cstartup_M.c
void Timer1ISR()
TIM1_SR &= ~BIT0; // clear update interrupt flag
if (Count > 1000) { // toggle the state of the LED every second
Count = 0;
void delay(int dly)
while( dly--);
void SysInit()
// Set up output port bit for LED
RCC_AHBENR |= BIT19; // turn on clock for PORTC
GPIOC_MODER |= BIT16; // Make bit 8 an output
// Set up timer
RCC_APB2ENR |= BIT11; // turn on clock for timer1
TIM1_ARR = 8000; // reload counter with 8000 at each overflow (equiv to 1ms)
ISER |= BIT13; // enable timer interrupts in the NVIC
TIM1_CR1 |= BIT4; // Downcounting
TIM1_CR1 |= BIT0; // enable counting
TIM1_DIER |= BIT0; // enable update event (reload event) interrupt
void ToggleBlueLED()
int main()
while(1) {
return 0;
The modified startup.s file
The original startup.s file needs to be modified to so that the interrupt vector for timer 1's ISR points at the Timer1ISR function in the main c file. The modifed section is shown below.
.word 0x20002000 /* Top of Stack */
/* The interrupt vectors that follow are manually forced to be aligned along
odd addresses. The reason for this is that the address for a Thumb instruction
must always have its LSB set to 1. This does not mean that the instruction
is stored at an odd number address. The LSB is used as a flag to indicate
that an ARM (LSB=0) or a Thumb (LSB=1) instruction is being addressed. */
ResetVector: .word Reset_Handler+1 /* Reset Handler */
.word Default_Handler+1 /* NMI */
.word Default_Handler+1 /* Hard Fault */
.word 0 /* Reserved */
.word 0 /* Reserved */
.word 0 /* Reserved */
.word 0 /* Reserved */
.word 0 /* Reserved */
.word 0 /* Reserved */
.word 0 /* Reserved */
.word Default_Handler+1 /* SVC */
.word 0 /* Reserved */
.word 0 /* Reserved */
.word Default_Handler+1 /* PendSV */
.word Default_Handler+1 /* SysTick */
/* External interrupt handlers follow */
.word Default_Handler + 1 /* WWDG */
.word Default_Handler + 1 /* PVD */
.word Default_Handler + 1 /* RTC */
.word Default_Handler + 1 /* FLASH */
.word Default_Handler + 1 /* RCC */
.word Default_Handler + 1 /* EXTI0_1 */
.word Default_Handler + 1 /* EXTI2_3 */
.word Default_Handler + 1 /* EXTI4_15 */
.word Default_Handler + 1 /* TSC */
.word Default_Handler + 1 /* DMA_CH1 */
.word Default_Handler + 1 /* DMA_CH2_3 */
.word Default_Handler + 1 /* DMA_CH4_5 */
.word Default_Handler + 1 /* ADC_COMP */
.extern Timer1ISR
.word Timer1ISR /* TIM1_BRK_UP_TRG_COM */
.word Default_Handler + 1 /* TIM1_CC */
.word Default_Handler + 1 /* TIM2 */
.word Default_Handler + 1 /* TIM3 */
.word Default_Handler + 1 /* TIM6_DAC */
.word Default_Handler + 1 /* RESERVED */
.word Default_Handler + 1 /* TIM14 */
.word Default_Handler + 1 /* TIM15 */
.word Default_Handler + 1 /* TIM16 */
.word Default_Handler + 1 /* TIM17 */
.word Default_Handler + 1 /* I2C1 */
.word Default_Handler + 1 /* I2C2 */
.word Default_Handler + 1 /* SPI1 */
.word Default_Handler + 1 /* SPI2 */
.word Default_Handler + 1 /* USART1 */
.word Default_Handler + 1 /* USART2 */
.word Default_Handler + 1 /* RESERVED */
.word Default_Handler + 1 /* CEC */
.word Default_Handler + 1 /* RESERVED */