What's this about?

This page contains a list of computer clubs and societies operating in Ireland. If I've missed some or there are broken links then let me know please at frank dot duignan at dit dot ie

Community at large

Irish Computer Society
Irish Linux User's Group
Irish Developers Network
Irish Hackerspace
System administrators Guild of Ireland
Engineers Ireland
Dublin security group
Irish Ubuntu community
Irish PHP User Group
Irish free software organization
Dublin Java user group
Ruby Ireland
Python Ireland
Irish software association
Irish Macintosh user group
Dublin Final Cut Users group
Multimedia User group
Ubuntu Ireland
OSSDev ireland
X-Cake. Cocoaheads Ireland and Northern Ireland
Irish robotics club
Dublin Alt.net
Erlang users group
Drupal Ireland


DCU's netsoc
DIT's networking society
Trinity College's networking society
UCD's netsoc
NUI Maynooth's netsoc
Tallaght IT's netsoc
Blanchardstown IT netsoc
NUI Galway's computer society
Waterford IT Computer Society
Limerick University computer society