
Module 1

Pharmaceutical Processes – Basic Principles


General Information

The order in which the different topics are covered in this module is contained in the calendar.


Lecture Course Notes

Any lecture material for the website provided by the lecturers is available here. 


Lecture material goes here



Introduction to Chemical & pharma Technology (Powerpoint)

Mass Balance (Powerpoint)

Energy Balance.ppt




Have a look at the assignment page for this module to get information on assignments, hand up dates and any useful information to help you with the assignment.

Here are some sample exam questions.

Written Examination

Each examination will consist of a written paper of one and three quarter hours duration.  The papers are divided into two sections A/B.  Each section contains 2 questions and students are required to answer one question from each section.

Examination date and time is the 15th of January at 18:30 for Module 9001.


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