Module 9003

Assignment 1

Distillation Group Project


Group 1 – Eth Glycol/Water System





Acme Pharmaceuticals are considering investment in a distillation system to recover ethylene glycol from a wastewater stream.  At present, they pay to have the waste removed off site and safely disposed at a cost of €1 per litre of waste.  They would like some general information about the option of recovering the ethylene glycol by distillation such as capital and operating costs, what size the distillation column would be and how much ethylene glycol would be recovered.


The waste is produced by one step in the process of API manufacture with the result that approximately 20 drums of waste are produced per day.  Laboratory analysis shows that the waste is normally 20% ethylene glycol and 80% water by volume.  Either a continuous distillation unit or a batch distillation approach could be used due to the small volumes of waste produced.




Acme Pharmaceuticals need to know the following:


·        Should continuous or batch distillation be used?  Choose one option, justify the decision, and proceed with the rest of the assignment on this basis.

·        What size will the distillation column be? (Height and footprint)

·        What will be the composition of the bottom and distillate streams?

·        How will the feed be supplied to the distillation unit?

·        What will be the capital cost? (A rough estimate).

·        What will be the operating cost?

·        What is the approximate payback time on capital cost?


Your report should include the following:


·        Details on the column internals.

·        A process flow diagram for the system.

·        For the batch option, how long will a distillation take.

·        An energy balance.

·        Details on the reboiler and condenser (size, material of construction, etc.).

·        Operating conditions (stream temperatures and pressures, reflux ratio, etc.)


Prepare a report to address all of the above issues.  State clearly any assumptions made and reference all information sources used.