Sample Problem Set 1
Weigh Scales Project
1. Sketch of device; Long thin wire bent back and forth and placed on small pad, about the size of a plaster; Attach to device that is to be stressed, i.e. beam; As beam bends, so does gauge; Length increases to give an increase in resistance if in tension; for compression, length decreases and so does resistance.
2. Strain = change in length over original length = ∆l/l
Gauge factor =
Where ∆R = change in resistance
R = unstrained resistance
∆l/l = strain
3. Higher output voltage with half bridge versus one gauge and higher again for a full bridge. Vout for half bridge = twice that of single gauge. Vout for full bridge = four times that of single gauge.
4. Plot results:
Sensitivity = Output/Input = slope of above line = 0.0078 mV/gram
Offset = value of output when input is zero = intercept on y-axis = 2.425 mV
Max non linearity = max deviation from best fit straight line = occurs at first point above where mV should be 2.425 but is actually 2.75 so difference is 2.75-2.425 = 0.325mV. Max non lin = 0.325mV
5. (i) Step 1. Determine change in resistance for applied strain.
Gauge factor =
Therefore, when strain is applied strain gauge resistance = 120.252Ω
Step 2. Determine equation for output from the bridge:
Enter value for Rgauge when strain is applied and enter value of 10 V for bridge supply:
= 0.0052
I.e. Vout = 5.2 mV
(ii) To remove any offset by balancing the bridge when no mass is applied.