Operation of a Discrete time System
Demonstrates the operation of a discrete time system
Initialize the Filter: Program memory : a and b Coefficients
Initialize the Filter: data memory : Variable data, x and y
Time starts
x=1; % Read the input at time = 0
Run The difference Equation
N=50; figure(1) % At each sampling instant repeat the following loop ('forever') while(n<N) % Calculate next value of output y = -a1*y1 -a2*y2 + b0*x + b1*x1 + b2*x2; stem(n,y,'markersize',6,'markerfacecolor','r');hold on % Update Memory y2=y1;y1=y;n=n+1; % Read next value of input x=0; end % % text('Interpreter','latex',... 'String',['$$H(z)=\frac{1}{(z^2 + ',num2str(a1),' z+',num2str(a2),')}$$'],... 'Position',[10,1],... 'FontSize',16); text('Interpreter','latex',... 'String',['$$y(n)= - ',num2str(a1),' y(n-1) -',num2str(a2),'+x(n)$$'],... 'Position',[10,2],... 'FontSize',16); %hold off; grid off axis([0 N -3 3]); title('Difference Equation, Transfer function and unit sample response','fontsize',13) xlabel('time in samples, ''\itn''')