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2023 Papers
A Survey on Outdoor Navigation Applications for People With Visual Impairments
F Eltaher, L Miralles-Pechuán, J Courtney, K Millar, C Smith, S Mckeever. A Survey on Outdoor Navigation Applications for People With Visual Impairments IEEE Access 11, 14647-14666., 2023.

Detecting Road Intersections from Satellite Images using Convolutional Neural Networks
F Eltaher, L Miralles-Pechuán, J Courtney, S Mckeever Detecting Road Intersections from Satellite Images using Convolutional Neural Networks Proceedings of the 38th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, 495-498., 2023.

Swarm electrification: A comprehensive literature review
S Sheridan, K Sunderland, J Courtney. Swarm electrification: A comprehensive literature review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 175, 113157., 2023.

LightNet: a novel lightweight convolutional network for brain tumor segmentation in healthcare
D Wu, J Tao, Z Qin, RA Mumtaz, J Qin, L Yu, J Courtney. LightNet: a novel lightweight convolutional network for brain tumor segmentation in healthcare. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics., 2023.

DB-TENG Model Development
S O'Connor, J Courtney. DB-TENG Model Development. 2023 58th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), 1-6., 2023.

2022 Papers
Detecting Road Intersections Automatically from Satellite Images using a Deep Learning Approach
F Eltaher, L Miralles-Pechuán, J Courtney, S Mckeever. Detecting Road Intersections Automatically from Satellite Images using a Deep Learning Approach. Technological University Dublin., 2022.

Generating Reality-Analogous Datasets for Autonomous UAV Navigation using Digital Twin Areas
T Lee, S Mckeever, J Courtney. Generating Reality-Analogous Datasets for Autonomous UAV Navigation using Digital Twin Areas. 33rd Irish Signals and Systems Conference (ISSC), 1-6., 2022.

Diversity Issues in Skin Lesion Datasets
N Alipour, T Burke, J Courtney. Diversity Issues in Skin Lesion Datasets. 24th Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference., 2022.

Using Satellite Images Datasets for Road Intersection Detection in Route Planning
FE El-taher, A Taha, J Courtney, S Mckeever. Using Satellite Images Datasets for Road Intersection Detection in Route Planning. International Journal of Computer and Systems Engineering 16 (10), 411-418., 2022.

The potential for swarm electrification as a flexible tool for last-mile energy access
S Sheridan, K Sunderland, J Courtney. The potential for swarm electrification as a flexible tool for last-mile energy access. 2022 57th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), 1-6., 2022.

Reality Analagous Synthetic Dataset Generation with Daylight Variance for Deep Learning Classification
T Lee, S Mckeever, J Courtney. Reality Analagous Synthetic Dataset Generation with Daylight Variance for Deep Learning Classification. 24th Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference., 2022.

2021 Papers
SEDIQA: Sound Emitting Document Image Quality Assessment in a Reading Aid for the Visually Impaired
Jane Courtney. SEDIQA: Sound Emitting Document Image Quality Assessment in a Reading Aid for the Visually Impaired. Journal of Imaging, 7, 9., 2021.

Flying Free: A Research Overview of Deep Learning in Drone Navigation Autonomy
Thomas Lee, Susan McKeever, Jane Courtney. Flying Free: A Research Overview of Deep Learning in Drone Navigation Autonomy. Drones, 5, 2., 2021.

A Systematic Review of Urban Navigation Systems for Visually Impaired People
Fatma El-zahraa El-taher, Ayman Taha, Jane Courtney, Susan Mckeever. A Systematic Review of Urban Navigation Systems for Visually Impaired People. Sensors, 21, 9., 2021.

2020 Papers
CleanPage: Fast and Clean Document and Whiteboard Capture
Jane Courtney. CleanPage: Fast and Clean Document and Whiteboard Capture. Journal of Imaging, 6, 102., 2020.

Optimal Sizing of Energy Storage with Embedded Wind Power Generation
Nicholas Roche and Jane Courtney. Optimal Sizing of Energy Storage with Embedded Wind Power Generation. 55th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC)., IEEE, 2020.

COVID-19: Tracking the Pandemic with A Simple Curve Approximation Tool (SCAT)
Jane Courney. COVID-19: Tracking the Pandemic with A Simple Curve Approximation Tool (SCAT). MedRxiv., 2020.

Learning from and Engaging with Assessment and Feedback (LEAF): Growing Practice
Robinson, Emma; Mottiar, Ziene; Byrne, Greg; Courtney, Jane; Gorham, Geraldine; Hurley, Anne; Lynch, Louise; Harris, Leanne; and O'Leary, Denise. Learning from and Engaging with Assessment and Feedback (LEAF): Growing Practice In Irish Journal of Academic Practice: Vol. 8: Iss. 1, Article 6., 2020.

Previous Publications
Jane Courtney, Catherine Deegan and Paul Leamy. IMVIP 2019: Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference (IMVIP) Proceedings., Technological University Dublin, 2019.

Aidan Heffernan and Jane Courtney. Series compensation to increase power flow: a case study on the irish transmission system. In 2019 54th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), IEEE, 2019.

Kyle Lawson and Jane Courtney. Reliability issues caused by the retirement of large thermal generation facilities: an irish case study. In 2019 54th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), IEEE, 2019.

Jane Courtney and Aaron McDonnell. Impact on distribution system protection with the integration of eg on the distribution network. In 2019 54th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), IEEE, 2019.

Paul Leamy and Jane Courtney. Eulerian video magnification adaptation for live cell microscopy analysis. In Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference (IMVIP). Technological University Dublin, 2019.

Thomas Lee, Niamh Gilmartin, Damon Berry, and Jane Courtney. Counting platelets: a novel image analysis algorithm for detecting and counting platelet adhesion on an assay pattern. In Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference (IMVIP). Technological University Dublin, 2019.

Rashmi Bakshi, Jane Courtney, Damon Berry, and Graham Gavin. Tracking hand trajectory as a preliminary study for hand hygiene stages. In Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference (IMVIP). Technological University Dublin, 2019.

Colin Monaghan and Jane Courtney. Development of a nanodrop shape analysis tool for installation in a novel nanodrop spectrophotometer. In Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference (IMVIP). Technological University Dublin, 2019.

Rashmi Bakshi, Jane Courtney, Damon Berry, and Graham Gavin. Identification of unique features and exploration of leap motion controller for detecting hand hygiene stages. In Bioengineering in Ireland 2018. Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland Section of Bioengineering, 2018.

Jane Courtney, Elena Woods, Dimitri Scholz, William W Hall, and Virginie W Gautier. Mattrack: a matlab-based quantitative image analysis platform for investigating real-time photo-converted fluorescent signals in live cells. PLoS one, 2015.

Shane Conlan, Jane Courtney, and Tom Looby. Accelerated aging test on multiple xlpe mv cables simultaneously to induce water trees. In 2015 50th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), IEEE, 2015.

Conall O Griofa, Jane Courtney, Ciaran Finucane, and Cleona Gray. Tracking transverse 2d ultrasound images of the carotid artery. In 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), IEEE, 2014.

Elena Woods, Jane Courtney, Dimitri Scholz, William W Hall, and Virginie W Gautier. Tracking protein dynamics with photoconvertible dendra2 on spinning disk confocal systems. Journal of microscopy, 256(3):197–207, 2014.

Elena Woods, Jane Courtney, Annmarie McCartin, Alessandro Marcello, William W Hall, and Virginie Gautier. Dynamics of hiv-1 rev sub-nuclear trafficking reveal new insight into the role of rna in the regulation of rev nucleolar accumulation. Retrovirology, 10(S1):P103, 2013.

JM Blackledge, MD Blackledge, and JN Courtney. Non-gaussian anisotropic diffusion for medical image processing using the osirix dicom. International Society for Advanced Science and Technology (ISAST)-Transaction on Computing and Intelligent Systems, 4(1):24–31, 2012.

Ana Tizon and Jane Courtney. Blood vessel diameter estimation system using active contours. In 2011 Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference (IMVIP), 88–93. IEEE, 2011.

Jane Courtney and Annraoi M de Paor. A monocular marker-free gait measurement system. IEEE Transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering, 18(4):453–460, 2010.

Jane Courtney and Annraoi M de Paor. Preliminary results for a monocular marker-free gait measurement system. Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 5(1-2):218–222, 2006.

Jane Courtney. Marker-free Human Motion Capture with Applications in Gait Analysis. PhD thesis, University College Dublin, 2005.

Jane Courtney and Annraoi M de Paor. Direct least-squares ellipse fitting. In 7th IASTED International Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging. 2004.

Jane Courtney and Annroai M de Paor. Simple feature identification and matching for stereoscopic imaging. In Irish Signals and Systems Conference 2004. IET Digital Library, 2004.

Jane Courtney, David P Burke, and Annraoi M de Paor. Application of digital image processing to marker-free analysis of human gait. PhD thesis, University College Dublin, 2001.