


The basics of distillation are covered in these presentations: 1. Underlying Principles (Boiling a mixture) in pdf or Powerpoint format and 2. Azeotropes and VLE Data in pdf or Powerpoint format.  Dalton’s law and Raoult’s law can be combined to help us get vapour liquid equilibrium data.  This page explains how this is done.  Vapour pressure is a function of temperature.  You can investigate this through this experiment to measure the vapour pressure of water.  You can also look at some learning objects from the Wisconsin Online Resource Center on Vapour Pressure, Vapour pressure as a function of temperature, and Boiling point of a liquid.


Column operation and mass balances are covered in the presentation on The Continuous Column in pdf or Powerpoint format  There is a sample problem on determining operating lines for the acetic acid-acetic anhydride system.  I have also included an excel file that I used to develop VLE data for this system.

There is a presentation on the McCabe Thiele Method in pdf or Powerpoint and there is also a short presentation on Column Design in pdf or Powerpoint format.  You can look a the K1 v Flv chart for trayed columns on its own.  The Generalised Pressure Drop Correlation (GPDC) chart can be found on the web at http://users.lia.net/katmar/pcolGPDC.htm and also a Generalised correlation for pressure drop chart in a packed column from www.cheresources.com



A presentation on Batch Distillation in pdf or Powerpoint format is available along with a sample problem using the Rayleigh method and some information on the Rayleigh method itself.



Useful websites

Ming Tham has an excellent website on distillation - http://lorien.ncl.ac.uk/ming/distil/distil0.htm

A site by Richard L. Rowley of Brigham Young University which appears to be very comprehensive (and challenging too!).

http://www.cbu.edu/~rprice/lectures/distill.html contains a very good set of notes

Interested in home brewing? http://homedistiller.org/

Chemical Properties Handbook online from Knovel

Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook online from Knovel

A method of designing and costing a distillation column by Andreas Linninger

Below is a video on a distillation column. There are a number of technical errors in what the narrator says but there are some nice shots of the column. You will need a headset or speakers to hear the audio part.


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